2016 11/2016 - Congratulations to Ravji for defending his PhD thesis! 05/2016 - The group welcomes Mathilde Andreani and Ariane Riffaud visiting from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France). 04/2016 -Congratulations to KwangSup Eom for accepting a faculty position at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology (GIST) !2015 12/2015 - Congratulations to Tapesh Joshi for defending his PhD thesis!
11/2015 - Welcome to Fuller Group, Zhengyuan (Jung) Fang
2014 11/2014 - Welcome to Fuller Group, Gregory D. Chipman
10/2014 -The group welcomes Dr. HanIk Jo visiting from KIST (Korea)
08/2014 -Congratulations to Rajiv Ram Sundar Jaini for successfully defending his Ph.D proposal
05/2014 -The group welcomes Valentin Lair visiting from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France)
2013 12/13 -Brian Setzler is named best TA (Fall '12)
11/13 -Welcome to Fuller Group, Andrew G. Star
10/13 -Goodbye, Erin!
09/13 - Congratulations to Erin Redmond for defending his PhD thesis!
08/13 -Goodbye, Arnaud! 06/13 Congratulations to Rajiv Jaini for defending his Ms. thesis! 03/13 - The group welcomes Arnaud Bordes visiting from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France).
2012 12/12 - Welcome to Fuller Group Dr. KwangSup Eom. Glad to have your expertise! 10/12 - The group welcomes new ChBE student Cotis Mitchell.
09/12 - Congratulations to Vyran George for receiving the "2012 E. I. DuPont Fellowship." So proud! 2011 12/11 - Congrats to Brian for receiving a "Best Presentation Award"
at the 4th Intl. Forum . . . for Energy Science in Honolulu, Hawaii!
11/11- Brian Setzler is named best TA for undergraduate Kinetics (Fall '10).
10/11 - Congratulations to Dr. Todd Bandhauer for defending his PhD thesis!
10/11 - The group welcomes two new ChBE students: Katie Lim and Rajiv Jaini.
07/11 - Goodbye, Emmanuel!
03/11 - The group congratulates Eric Ping for successfully defending his dissertation!
02/11 - Welcome to Emmanuel, a visiting student. 2010 10/10 - The group welcomes Tapesh Joshi, a new member.
07/10 - Congrats to Dr. Rajeswari Chandrasekaran, who is starting her career with Ford Motor Co.!
02/10 - Fuller Group welcomes Aurore Dabonot as a visiting student.
01/10 - Dr. Panos Trogadas joins the group as a post-doc! 2009 Fall '09 - Brian Setzler and Vyran George join the group!
08/09 - Congratulations Kevin on your successful PhD defense and post-doc career at Argonne National Lab!
Summer '09 - Cheng Chen graduates and takes post-doc position with Dr. Bill Koros' Group (GT) - Congrats :-)
2008 - Dr. Fuller wins the Research Award of the Energy and Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society.
Summer '08 - Wu Bi graduates and takes position with UTC Power. Congratulations!! |